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FARMACIA FARES BY AMlab - Lucera Italy

Location: Lucera, Italy
Made by: AmLab
Published in: January 15 2019 / Drugstores / Optics
We designed a place that interacts with customer and transforms him now into an experimenter in the make-up bar area, now in digital citizen through the interaction points of digital screens, now in a spectator through the storytelling that orients and attracts him towards universes.
Time, one of the rarest client’s resources, is filled with meaning and purpose thanks to the implementation of Butler: our technological management system that transforms waiting – first static and stressful – into free discovery of space and products’ selection.

A place that involves, activates and awakens all… surprising him in every moment.
farmacia, amenajare farmacie, experience store pharmacy, pharmacy design, design interior farmacie, concept interior farmacie, farmacii moderne, modern pharmacy, italian retail design

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