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Lactobar the retro bistro from Oradea

Location: Oradea
Source: glamshops
Made by: -
Published in: June 25 2013 / Restaurants / Bakeries
Daca sticla de sifon, televizorul cu lampi, ceasurile rusesti, casetele cu banda magnetica, pestele de televizor si denumirea de Pegas iti spun ceva... atunci merita sa dai o fuga la Lactobarul din Oradea sa iti reimprospatezi memoria vizuala.
Un concept de nota 10 si un adevarat muzeu al perioadei comuniste ce evidentiaza si cele mai mici detalii (vezi modul in care au fost vopsiti peretii si patternul aplicat).

The Lactobar retro Bistro from Oradea is one of the places where you spend a lot of time analyzing the walls...
An excellent place, a very nice concept and for those who lived in that period... the Lactobar bistro is actually one of the most exciting communist museums.
Lactobar, the retro bistro,Oradea, lactobar oradea, vintage bar, communist bar, muzeul comunist, decor comunist

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